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Template Design

Visual Accounts Template Design Service

Setting up the correct Invoice templates, Remittance Advice templates and Form Letter templates can be a bit daunting, especially with everything you have to do when running a business. Therefore you can now have them designed for you, to your specifications, by our highly skilled Programming Department.

What do I get?

You will receive the following:

  • A customised Single Line Invoice Template
  • A customised Multi Line Invoice Template
  • A customised Form Letter Template (use it to create sales and other letters)
  • A customised 1st Debtor's Reminder Template
  • A customised 2nd Debtor's Reminder Template
  • A customised Debtor's Last Reminder before County Court Action Template
How does the service work?

You complete the order form, print it out, include the required information and payment and post the whole lot to us at the address on the order form. You will receive by fax (or post, if you don't have a fax) your proofs of the templates. You OK the proofs (details accompany the proofs). We will then send you your templates, usually on floppy disk, with full instructions on how to make them your "default" templates.

You will always receive a copy of your templates on floppy disk (or CD) but you can also request a copy of your templates to be sent by email. In this case, the templates will be emailed in ZIP format with installation instructions. If you request the templates sent by email, you must be able to use WinZip or a similar decompression program.

Note: The Visual Accounts Printing engine cannot handle graphics. If you require graphics, you will need to use pre-printed stationary. Enclose a copy of your pre-printed stationary, with the layout you require, and we will fit your layout to your stationary.

Can I use my letterhead?

Send us an original copy of your letterhead with the order form and we will design your templates to fit.

What does it cost?
    £25.00 fully inclusive.

That includes up to two proofs of each template, with minor changes to the proofs. Major redesign changes will be charged extra.

How quickly can I have my templates?

It depends on the postal service and the number of minor design changes you require. If no changes are required and the Royal Mail delivers on time, about 4 to 5 working days. So if we receive your order on a Monday, you could have the templates by the Friday.

Are there any "hidden" charges or "Gotchas"?

Provided you don't exceed the the two minor design changes for each template.

If more than two two minor design changes of each individual template are required, you will be billed an extra £10.00 to cover a further two minor design changes for each template. You will need to pay this extra before any further proofs are sent out.

If a major redesign is required, we will advise you of the cost and payment is required before we do the redesign.

We take responsibility for our own "typos". Fixing "typos" that you make on the order form constitutes a minor design change. Please, therefore, check your spelling before sending us the order form. Note: we do not automatically fix "typos" on the order form, you must advise us of the "typo" when you receive the proof.

Can I pay by Credit Card?

At the present time no. We hope to remedy this shortly.

Where do I find the Order Form?

Here or click on any of the order form links on this page.

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